Some comments: 1. One doesn’t generally “walk along” a park. “Walk beside” or “walk through” perhaps. 2. “Didn’t realized” could stand with some correction. 3. There’s a lot of passive voice used in the first paragraph. 4. Comments regarding the story should be in the comments section rather than in the body of the text.
If you like writing stories, I would hope that your own story is not representative of the best that you’re capable of writing. First and foremost, write your own story and write it well. You can certainly ask others to write sequels or prequels, but they may feel more inclined to do so if you actually present an interesting premise. You didn’t do that here. If it’s a story worth following, it deserves to be set up well.
I’d be happy to sequel your story, but not until you rewrite it and show me what you’re really capable of.
Please take this as constructive criticism. That’s how it’s intended.