Life in a blender.
Very clever. I like the stream of associations…it really lends itself to the feeling of impending madness. And, with my own Mommy issues, well, this felt like home to me. (yikes…I know)
Thanks for the input InZandee
This reminds me of those commercials! Like the second sentence kind of goes off of the first and so on. I thought this had a more melancholy feel to it that what the words could portray. Not a bad thing though, I like this very much.
This reminds me of those commercials! Like the second sentence kind of goes off of the first and so on.
I thought this had a more melancholy feel to it that what the words could portray. Not a bad thing though, I like this very much.
*than what. whoops.
Yes, Kihd, I can see the "bing " vibe. Thanks for the input.