I enjoyed this piece. Little typo in there at the end of the third section. Think you meant to say off…not of.
But I really enjoyed the trancendentalism represented here. It made me think of two not totally unlike things… It made me think of a god, bored before creation. And it also made me (or the geek living inside me) think of Q from Star Trek the Next Generation tooling arouhd the multiverse.
By the way, it’s cool to finally run across a Filipino on Ficly. My wife is Filipino and I believe them to have some of the most unique and interesting outlooks on the world of any people on the planet. Keep it up!
Okay, Ben found the typo. Nice job, and I like the visual of the two disembodied forms floating above the celestial show and arguing. Trippy but somehow still approachable/understandable.
Good eye mr. browncoatben! For some weird reason I always get that wrong. Regarding God Q, they were not really the first thing I thought, but I see where you’re going.:D
Hha, thanks too from the filipino collective! Not a lot of people view us like that. At least, of the more vocal ones.
Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate them.:D