
Funny Little Things

He did his tie, taking his time.
He didn’t have that much practice at it.Everything seemed so mechanical, the way he received the news, his reaction, and the day after.All the arrangements had already been made, months ago.Despite being prepared, despite knowing what was gonna happen, it was still a shock to Matthew, knowing Tyler was dead.In his younger years, Tyler was a man to be admired.
He saw his reflection in the mirror.All ready to go, the ceremony would start soon.
Another name to the mural.
“You ready?” he heard a voice and turned around.
She came in with his coat in her hand.Next to him, she had been closer to Tyler than anyone else.
“Seems unreal, doesn’t it?”
He nodded, and saw her in the mirror.
Long red locks, a nice figure and a brilliant personality.That and infinitely more, that was Dora.
“One in 12” he said to no one.
There was sadness, guilt and regret in their eyes.
Then he remembered, the last thing Tyler had said to him, and the letter he had not yet opened.
Did he knew? Maybe he did.

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