The best jobs are applying makeup to famous actors, they usually have a long life. – classic.
This silly story has some serious themes like They’re altruistic; used once to save lives then thrown away. Martyrs. – nice. Who would have thought a guy in square pants could be so profound.
I loved the nearly flippant tone for that last little monologue. I’m not usually a fan of anthropomorphizing, but this was an amusing look at how the objects might rank themselves, not unlike how we rank order ourselves.
I have never posted my writings much less shared them with strangers. All of your input is 100% positive in nature and helps me to know what I’m good at, not what I’m not good at. And thats pleasant and new to me.
My partner asked me who Towlie was. He still doesn’t understand but, since he is a towel he TOLD me I HAD to change the drink to a Harvey Wallbanger. I didn’t get if at first, then I fell out laughing my ass off. So I changed it.
Looking forward to forming comfortable relationships with all of you.
Oh, in 2006 I had a dream that I wrote a book and my pen name was Lender Truth. I can only imagine that I somehow combined Ender, from Enders Game with a cultural fascination of Sojourner Truth, Other than that, I’m stymied.