I am challenged...
and now that I don’t see my home, lost my job and cant find my car and roads and traffic, I have started missing everything including “the monotonous life”. I want to make everything the same… rather more bigger more smarter. I want to prove my abilities to everyone; my community, my country and the whole world. All history books talk about my grandparent generation, the way they build my country. I too have to rise like a phoenix. But… will I succeed? Have I those abilities?
If you would have asked this question yesterday, my answer would have been a obvious NOO. But today I can feel so much power in me. Is it because I don’t have anything to loose now? yes probably!!! We humans crib and fear so much when we have everything, and after loosing we feel like working more and challenged… that is so funny and weird.
I should stop now, I can see more people lined up to access this computer and the internet.
@Fukushima Dai-ichi