
Star Trek: The Next Sweateration, Episode 1

Star Trek: The Next Sweateration
Episode 1

Mop cart wobbles, dancing steel corridors. Corridors, long and narrow, with floors. Stainless steel floors. Floors to walk on. Floors of a starship.

“This Captain likes his floors clean…”

Floors that, although stainless, need proper mopping.

“This Captain likes his floors clean…”

Mop cart wobbles, dancing steel corridors, gallops, spills, and tumbles. A frantic once-captain-now-manservant scuttles to evaporate the overturned leak, but it is too late.

Captain Sweateron has noticed his blunder.

“Crusher on goddamn bridge, what the b’Jesus was all that racket, Jean mah-boy?”

Captain Wesley Crusher kicks back and cracks another tall boy, soon to be added to the growing pyramid. Now aged, fat, and worn, no longer the quintessential specimen of young-man-dom he once was, Wesley rests his beer can atop the crest of his beer gut, a gut Riker would be proud to see. That is, if he wasn’t on extended vacation (wink wink).

Cut to Picard:


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