
Frank's Bike

Same Frank different time. Before the drugs and the map, before Pappy’s death.

A hot pink bike!? Frank didn’t understand why his parents (one real, one step) would buy him a hot fucking pink bike. Frank was a boy, not a girl. He was sure of it. Let the teasing begin!

Frank was already overweight and had bad skin, another thing for the neighborhood jerks to tease him about. Just too much to handle.

“I see a fat kid on a girl’s bike!” one loud mouthed, sawed off runt said to Frank as he was passing. Frank stopped. Got off his bike and walked over to the problem child.

“Say it again and I’ll slug you so hard your sister will piss her pants…”

A childhood Mexican standoff.


“You’re not going to slug me, my father’s in the house and he’ll whip you good!”

Frank was scared of that redneck, so he chose his words carefully.

“Fuck you prick! Say it again and I’ll kick both your asses!”

Snot nosed runt backs away begins to run towards his house.

“You’re a fat fuck with a girls bike!”

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