
He's texting me?

So what I’m not a princess? That’s what he said he liked about me. So what if I “hang” with the guys? Chicks get on my nerves. So what if I don’t own a dress? I would still look good in one. Men are assholes. I think I might stay in bed for a few more hours.

Why is he texting me? Games? Is he playing games with me? I’m not one who will play these dumb ass games. I do not have his Radiohead CD. If I do he’s not getting it back. I need to take a shower.

Four more texts? Mistake? Lies? Make it up to me?

He was total ass. He told everyone I made funky noises in bed. He told everyone I had a drug problem. He told everyone I liked girls.

Lunch? I am NOT going to lunch with him…

in 30 minutes?

make it an hour

At the very least I’ll give him a piece of my mind…what to wear?

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