I Jumped In.
I heard the screams first, coupled with the furious splashing of water. Having been here before, I remembered the long white corridors that seemed to carry on forever. The doors we passed through, hand in hand. The adults we passed, who looked on sternly.
I saw her in the water, her brown hair formed tentacles that snaked around her head, she lay motionless, floating on her back, her arms spread out on either side, becoming a crucifix. I felt a deep uneasiness in my stomach, a strong desire to be sick. She looked so peaceful, it looked so easy; I felt the longing to join her, the deep paternal need to be alongside her. We could float together, in that happy far off world. I took a deep breath and jumped in, feeling my bare feet hit the hard bottom. I kicked upwards, and I felt myself begin to laugh. “Look Mum I made it” She looked at me and smiled, swimming towards me and tussling my hair.