
Ethel, the Frog


Croaking in bullfrog horridness comes barging in old, hoary Ethel, the Frog.

Ethel is a large frog, and part of being large frog is being a proud frog.

With delight, Ethel bounded from one lilly pad to another in the froggy pond. The pond was large, but evidently not too large for Ethel because, soon, Ethel finds another frog.

At first glacne Ethel knows she does not like this frog.

“HEY!” burped an exacerbated Ethel. “Whachu doin’ by my lillypad?”

The other frog stares back. Bored, he speaks.

“Free country, bitch. I made my lillypad next door and you gonna have to del with it!”

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