My favorite line: His muscular construction-worker veins rose, exposing violent violet branches.
The step-dad is cruel, but it wasn’t until the sweet cud of guilt that I felt moved. The step-father’s rage was seen through eyes that merely seemed paralyzed, waiting for the next move. Therefore I, the reader, waited with them, also paralyzed, but without the fear the children must have felt upon seeing his veins.
This is good, but to tell you the truth, LL, this “non-fiction” stuff is beginning to seriously bum me out. I feel incrementally more awful with each of the stories I read. It’s a wonder you survived adolescence. Can you write about happiness, or at least leave of the “non-fiction” tag? Please?
@Sir Bic: Or a celebration of my innate nature to survive.?
I call it “survival writing”, Ficly is cathartic and freeing. The constraint of using few words has been a Godsend. I am forced to explain these situations to myself. If others wish to partake, O.K.
Writers commenting on writers should consider style and accuracy first. Yes, a stories subject matter can have unintended side effects either through atrocious writing habits or content. However, it is hard to passively read and most of us are not here as “editors” or “proof readers”; that’s a whole other level of detached critical reading.
But I do see your statement as a challenge to write the same stories but seasoned with who I am now. I shouldn’t rely on my assumptions that readers will “assume” I’m well because I can express.
Recall is painful. Writing is cleansing. A cleared mind is silent. Life is beautiful .
ElshaHawk (LoA)
The Third Robot
Bob Liddil
32 Squared
32 Squared
Bob Liddil
Bob Liddil
Sir Bic
32 Squared