Bradley's Jewel
Princess Vivandier’s scent reached far and wide. The colony was in turmoil. All had lived in dread of the Termite King’s reprisal. Now – after half-a-century of freedom – the return to slavery was imminent.
Trudging through Market Tunnel, the last remaining Sugar wept in an agitated anguish. I’m all alone, they’re all gone, everyone is dead!
The sole surviving Carpenter, also felt a painful emptiness inside him. He closed down his shop just as the sugar-ant passed by. “Jewels? Is that you?” he asked.
“Jewels!” Their antenna entangled. “I haven’t seen you since our Pupation Party!” Sensing her sorrow, he gently placed all four of his arms along her slender thorax. “What’s wrong?” he sighed.
“They’re all gone,” she sobbed.
“I know,” Brad said softly.
“We’re going to be the Termite’s slaves!”
“Not if I can help it."
“What do you mean?” cried Jewels. “What can one ant do against an army of termites?”
“Exactly!” Brad affirmed. “They’re termites – and I’m a carpenter-ant with a plan! – Come.”