A Dozen Fresh Easter Eggs Please
“We barely broke even!” the chocolate store owner shouted. “You and I need to discover ways to bring in more customers”!
We both defined who are customers were. Then we discussed who we weren’t aggressively targeting. “What about children?” I asked.
Children, a byproduct of our adult consumers. Children, a pulling force. Little hands tugging parental limbs towards bright kid-friendly objects and storybook characters.
The following year the owner dug deep and special ordered a giant confection and created a magnificent window display. We waited.
Soon, children started screaming in glee pointing at the 4.5’ milk-chocolate rabbit wading in a sea of Easter candy. The Chocolaty Pied Piper wore a Easter bonnet set off with a cartoonish pink and white bow-tie. The statue held a bouquet of flower cookies with frosted smiles. The other paw held a basket I filled with brilliantly foiled eggs.
And the hook: A sign. “FREE Chocolate Rabbits Foot For Every Child”!
We used a lot of paper towels and Windex that year.