This is such a great snapshot moment. I love the line “wears weariness in his eyes,” it evokes such a powerful image. And I want to know who Juliana is! A past girlfriend seems a little cliche, so I almost hope it’s not, but I suppose it could go that way…
No, I don’t mind at all, someday. I’d be honored if you added.
Juliana is a randomly chosen name and character. I wanted to give these people names and genders to avoid any egregious cliches. All I managed to fit in in the name department was Juliana :P haha.
Your third paragraph is full of life and meaning. another drop in the waterfall of time – beautiful. I would have loved for this description to be of Juliana, sitting there, missing something. She would then be the the subjects main object. He should be ‘unable to stray an eye’ from before her. Maybe I got it all wrong, just my initial thoughts is all.
A ghost story. Well done. Don’t change anything. He is not there for Julianna, he’s going about his day as normal, a vicious cycle, and she just happens to be there. I’m more fascinated by the whispering lies; is he the one that killed you and stole your girlfriend away? So many possibilities. The characters have no boundaries at this juncture.