
Bottle of Pepsi

Twenty Seven thousand, four hundred and thirty five tear droplets can fill a liter bottle of Pepsi.

Nothing can fill the void of a broken heart…

No one can understand how I feel when those words were said to me.

No one can tell me that blood is thicker than liquor.

Or how they only mean the words because people are hurt.

I am hurt, I am the one whom is bleeding.

I am not avaricious.

Egotistic, I am not!

I am a person that feels that everyone else is more important than me.

That my problems do not come close to those that really need to be advocated.

But look at me.

Conclusion: I have given all of me so that you can breathe

AND now I am alone, broken & in pain.

I have never cried so much in my life.

A week of being broken equals twenty seven thousand, four hundred & thirty five tear droplets in a bottle sealed away.

I stare at it, my tear-full bottle of Pepsi and wonder will it ever stop?

I’m so hurt, will I ever rebuild my heart and all of those feelings?

Or should I start a new bottle?

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