First of all, please, PLEASE use proper grammar. This is writing, not instant messaging, there are rules to follow. Second, although I admire the idea, scripts just aren’t the right fit for Ficly. Short fiction is what we want here.
Try reading some of the other stuff on here to see what sort of formatting and storytelling this site is intended for. If you can adjust your scripts to fit the word limit and style, then bravo to you, but right now they just don’t fit.
The grammar and spelling are really an eyesore, and fixing them would really help your stories in general.
It would also help if you changed up your format to something a bit less instant message looking. As Yaya said, just read some of the other stories on the website, I’m sure they’ll give you an idea of what to aim for.
As for the whole bolded and italiced sections, I really have no idea what to tell you, other than stop it. Please. Again, narrating it in a different format will help.