Apocalypse does that to people. You observe it beautifully. Is Beck the music star?
That said, the 21st is actually meant to start three months of chaos where the devils and satyrs of Hell rise up and torture us all in a fight to bring every last remaining human to Hell.
I like the repetition of “six” although the first time I feel like it should have been ‘sixth’ as it stunted the flow and made me reread an entire section.
I love the description in the middle. Such an honest depiction of human reaction, as with any trauma that has happened in history: death of Kings, acts of God.
With all the talk of apocalypse at the moment, it was inevitable something like this would pop on ficly eventually.
This entry reminds me strongly of Stephen King’s novel The Stand. That is totally a compliment! It captures the chaos and confusion very well and the need for some sort of closure.
I love that the 666 were nobodies, or at least people that were not necessarily in powerful spots. This is very believable, Robert. Thanks for an entertaining piece.
Robert, you put such a great twist on this, myriads left behind and only a minute few taken, I’m impressed, it’s so sad, a sadness that turns into hell on earth.