

So much fear. Take one man out of a mass of thousands and his basic emotion will be fear. Everything spiraled out of control so quickly. They said we all had to stick together. They said it was our only hope. So then why are you left here, alone, with no guidance and no guarantees? Your life is this fear now. Yours to sow and reap, yours to cultivate.

As dawn breaks you peer over the ridgeline, into the valley of the Gathered. Your curiosity acts like a tether to the heartbeat of this new social organism. One of the few organisms remaining. This ostracization thrust upon you has the sole advantage of perspective. From the outside you can see the cracks starting to form within their cocooned mirage. The same fear which you’ve used to survive has started to infect the outer rings and vein inwards with its poison. They’re all too close to see the pattern of decay. In this snatched moment of peace, you wonder what will consume them first: the cancerous fear, or the true nightmares just beyond their sight.

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