A fitting homage!
lol! both a homage and a timely news piece in fabulous fiction.
Awesome! I’d like to think this is the reason Armaggeddon was kept at bay. One thing: A wild wrestler appears! Realise it might have something to do with Pokemon, but the random tense change is off-putting :3
Awesome! I’d like to think this is the reason Armaggeddon was kept at bay.
One thing: A wild wrestler appears! Realise it might have something to do with Pokemon, but the random tense change is off-putting :3
This is an awesome homage and he will certainly be greatly missed. Great job!
He died for our sins, you know; the Macho Man.
Hilarious and mirthfully topical. Heretical, but terribly amusing, so well done.
Congratulations on the featured story! It’s nice to see something completely off-the-wall (and off-the-ropes) make the front page.
I can only repeat what everyone else has said. I really enjoyed this.
A very fun story, I enjoyed it! Here, have all my Slim Jims!