

“To be or not to be!? That’s the question!? Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer . . . wait . . . slings and arrows? Bare Bodkin? Sleep of Death? And what the hell is a contumely? Oh Jesus, did I really say that shit”?

“Yeah man, you were pretty wasted, kept talking about some ghost”


“You went a little crazy. Said it was your dead murdered dad in hell and he wanted you exact revenge against your uncle”

“Uncle Claude? He didn’t kill my dad. They’ve on vacation together in the Bahamas, with Rosey and Guildy”

“I know, dude, we kept telling you that but you wouldn’t listen. You just kept drinking and yelling at people and complaining about being too fat or something”

“Shit, I hope I didn’t say anything stupid to Ophelia. God knows her dad hates me enough already”

“Um . . . Yeah . . .about that”

“What? What about that?”

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