Weird. I think I get the point, but it leaves some questions. Suicide to avoid death in battle? Maybe I’m struggling cause personally I’d rather go down swinging, take as many of the other side down with me as I go.
To add to THX’s comment, it might also be preferable to run to fight another day if you can’t go down fighting. Is this based on a historical event? My knowledge of historical battles is appallingly patchy.
Yeah, I realised about halfway through writing this that there was more story that I wanted to tell than I had time for. Trying to fit it all in has made the piece weaker.
The story is based on Josephus, who holed up with a bunch of zealots in a cave. Rather than be defeated or captured by the Romans they decided to kill one another, and since suicide is sinful in Judaism they decided to kill one another instead.
Josephus suggested they do so by lots, with every third person killing the person to his left. By amazing coincidence or cleverness on Josephus’ part, Josephus and a pacifist friend were the last two alive, and they surrendered to the Romans.