feed me seymore! I love that he sorts through helmets to find one that fits, and that whole scene with the recitation of the rules, and the worn armor.. lol. It’s like he is a carnival ride operator.
I don’t like the phrase ‘infinite enough’. Something is either infinite or not infinite, it’s never ‘infinite enough’. But I really like the following line, ‘You wonder, for a moment, if it would not be better to visit them instead.’
I don’t like the phrase ‘infinite enough’. Something is either infinite or not infinite, it’s never ‘infinite enough’.
But I really like the following line, ‘You wonder, for a moment, if it would not be better to visit them instead.’
Hilarious and dangerous. I like the tone and the guard’s matter-of-fact tone. Lots of tension and possibilities here. Not a greenhouse I would visit.
I agree with ElshaHawk and THX. The gardener guardsman (guardener?) really makes the story work. When the narrator asks what the rake is for, I expected the guard to say, “It won’t do you any good, but it’ll make you feel better.”
I agree with ElshaHawk and THX. The gardener guardsman (guardener?) really makes the story work.
When the narrator asks what the rake is for, I expected the guard to say, “It won’t do you any good, but it’ll make you feel better.”