
Speeding 85mph

I don’t want this song to end,
I can lay here and kiss you until my heart is content.
Your lips so full and soft.
I can suck on your bottom lip for hours,
squeezing out every ounce of honey.
I don’t care where your hands move, as we lay on this soft surface;
But my body loves reacting to your touch & I scrunch up to interlock with your legs.
I don’t want you to stop, I’m enjoying your tongue.
Eyes wired shut, lips ever so moist.
The perfect bite, makes me moan ever so softly.
I wasn’t expecting you to, but you turned me on.
The adrenaline is rushing, we are going 85mph & I don’t want us to slow down,
feels like I’ve been waiting a lifetime just for a kiss like this.
I can feel your hips rubbing against mine as your want a VIP pass.
I’m loving this long lasting flavor.
You taste like a sweet black cherry mixed with vanilla ice cream,
mixed with my caramel, I can really be satisfying.
I feel your heart beat through each press.
My head nodding with each kiss.
I’m so in love with you!

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