
The Choice

Vlad looked to me shaking his head, “I do not like where this is going. It’s all happening too fast,” he brushed away cold sweat from his brow.
I ignored him for the time being, and fastidiously followed Liz into one of the anti-chambers of the Library, “Could we not USE some of the knowledge in these book to defend ourselves?”
Liz fought to be patient. She huffed, looked skyward, and spun around, “Our numbers are simply too few to read through all of … this!” she waved her hand to the books on the wall. “Besides, we have our methods of transporting a great deal of the more compelling Texts that we’ve gathered here. The rest, we shall hide in the Vault in the hopes that one day we may return to reclaim the knowledge!”
I resigned myself. There would be no changing her mind. And remaining here, alone, with only Vlad as my protector……
No, for me, Liz was the future.
I found myself in a sickening predicament. I must place my life in the hands of a Chosen!
“North eh?”
Liz smiled. “A wise choice, Kal!”

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