The Eye of a Married Man
Her wiles had waned.
Her flirtations had ceased.
Another sought to assume her role.
A night on the town brought him to the arms of another. A child in his first “big boy bed” did little to diminish the urges that all men know.
She was there. Pulsing lights could not disguise the fact that she was different; unlike the one sharing the marital bed.
It had been so long now, since passion had let loose to the wind. In that wake he was left wanting.
After years of lack, he had found himself the possessor of an eye; darting from one beautiful face to another.
His eye. Her leg.
His eye. Her chest.
He was there in a flash and his words, though tired and dated, served to bring her into the grasp of his allure.
His short pity-story of a marriage gone stale fell on ears like honey. His eyes surveyed a promised land behind barbed wire.
The moment was at hand.
His eye cast aside.
His desire fled.
He bid her adieu.
He inspected the tuck-in job.
His son slept soundly.
He could not say that this was over.