This Is How They Began
Their first meeting was just a meeting, nothing more.
Eyes did meet and smiles were swapped, but no stage was set for another of love’s great performances.
When they met for the second time, realizations came. Sudden awareness flooded the eyes and mind.
Eyes did linger and smiles were turned away in feigned embarrassment. No overtures were made and healthy crushes were only set on dresser tops at bed time.
Occasion three came without warning. Unprepared, the minutes fumbled by with growing appreciation for awkwardness.
His inability to zip a jacket. How she forgot the beginning of his sentences by the end. Both verged on hopeless.
The fourth time came with “make or break” importance; both were out to prove their romantic prowess.
The kiss came early from his lips; the ones that followed did not start with him. Dinner, drinks, a walk; these were little more than background for them to play against. An early morning hour saw her return in his car; a later morning hour saw his departure.