In Between Minds: Grounded
I was a maelstrom of grief and rage, I wanted my baby and I wanted her now. In the eye of my storm, I sensed the bright minds around me and swept through them for answers. With each violation, I shrieked with fresh pain, mental and physical voices lifted in mind rending cacophony.
Do you think you are the only one?
A single voice etched itself across my consciousness, echoes of sterile rooms and blood red pain flashing behind the words.
Are you the only one that was speared open and driven to madness?
The shock of the words slashed across my maelstrom and stole it’s fury.
You must be the only child stolen in the night and forced into Camp 32. A whole camp, just for one girl.
No, I just… I tried to speak in my defense, my storm lost in a tide of confusion and doubt.
Just what? Want to dish out the pain you received…and be like them, the faces of my tormentors grew large in my mind, and I shied away from any association with them.
No! I would rather die.
Then control yourself!