

If you were to look at me today, maybe you’d see an “average” 16 year old girl. You might think that I have a close familial bond and that I both love and talk to every member of my family often, that they know all of my secrets and I know theirs. Maybe you would assume that my life has always been a cake walk—that I’ve never had to make any life changing decisions. You could guess that I am not old enough to know the secrets of the treachery of the world that somehow appear in the human brain when adulthood is reached.

Or, maybe you would assume that because I am both tall, overweight and contemplative that I pretend to be something that I’m not. That I pretend that I am the strongest person in the world and that I always know what’s going on with everything and every one—including myself.

You know what they say about assuming, right?

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