
The Silk Lily: Ancient Traditions

Two quick taps on the wooden frame of the door made Raiku’s lips twist in distaste. She clapped her hands loudly causing the naked girl to jump in alarm.

The door slid open sideways to reveal an athletic girl, more handsome than pretty, who sank to her knees in a deep bow.

“Tetsuko, what is the meaning of this? You are loud enough to be mistaken for a dullard three times your size. Explain yourself!” Raiku demanded, not entirely displeased.

Tetsuko answered in a voice that was sweet as summer rain. “Sumimasen. Baron von Kerzt is here. You wanted to speak with him the next time he came in.”

“I’m sure you kept him in waiting in the entry hall, because you are as thoughtless as you are useless. I should strap you from head to toe!” Raiku turned to Yuki. “My apologies okaasan, usually she is not this foolish. Perhaps we should send her away.”

Yuki kept her voice neutral. “Do whatever you think is best. Until you come to a final decision, I’d like to put this child in her care- as a test.”

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