
Manifesto to the Dictator

I refuse to listen to a word from your poison covered lips because I will not allow any more insults to pass through my ears. The simple fact that I actually have the patience and the self control that I gained on my own despite your lack thereof makes you angry. I have surpassed you in class and in maturity due to the fact that you would insult me and swear directly at me in the presence of my ten year old brother. I, your offspring refuse to swear at you as I do not want to stoop to your level and because I still hold the morals that you preached yet did not practice. Does this make you entitled to mold my brother’s malleable ignorant mind? No! You, being the mature infant that you are, are now throwing shoes at my door. You have taken away the cliche teenage appendages that you believe affect me but obviously you haven’t paid attention to the young woman’s valuable items to show that electronics are at the bottom of the list right above maternal figure.

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