Interesting perspective on the whole shooting star thing. I don’t think I’ll ever see them quite the same. Just to let you know, most writers use double quotes when writing dialogue, and a break-line of sorts would have made realizing the Becky part was a different place and time, easier.
Tragic depiction on the accidental death of an astronaut, and the failure of the world at large to realize it. I agree with Sir Bic that a break line would have been useful in delimiting the two separate scenes.
wow, these two stories are like two scenes rubber-cemented together on one page to form controversial art! This is art. Welcome back Petros, thanks for stopping by to amaze us by the juxtaposition of two awesome things.
This is great! I love the comparison of four feet to four thousand feet. Really shows the hopelessness once you drift to far away to grab on. The concept of the astronaut being the shooting star is great too!