Commentary: This story, the first in a series, is inspired by my recent story Spaghetti Western. The purpose for writing this is quite different however. Everyone deserves to have their story told, even the fictional, and I’d like to do this character justice.
So, you inspire yourself – do you? Some are self motivating, others self inspiring. []o) Raillery aside, this is a great telling and I like the voice you’re telling it in. The characterization of the Nameless is much appreciated. Since now you have decided to do this character justice, there is a greater need to “bring” this character to justice! But I’ll just sit and listen for as long as you’re willing to tell it – there’s just a small posse-bility that I’ll sequel it. []o)
@Sir Bic: Feel free to sequel it but be warned: I shall be especially ruthless in my comments since I’d like to maintain the pace, voice and style as much as possible. What historical details are presented should also be verifiable.
The narrator is relating something that happened in the past but within his memory. The events that he describes happened in the early 1880s, the heyday of Tombstone. If the Nameless Man was a Forty-niner, he’d likely be in his late 50s by the time of these events. Of course, I don’t know whether he was or not but I suspect he wasn’t. And I’m not certain that he will be brought to justice since I don’t know what, if anything, he’s done.