
Your Place in Time

So, my dearest love, this is why I am not here; this is why I have left you. I did not belong here with the Eloi, they are my father’s people, not mine.

I want to see what your people were like. I want to see the tall brick and mortar buildings all in a row along Richmond Avenue. I want to see what a horse looks like and how fast it can pull a buggy behind it. I want to see the wonderful dancing in the grand ballroom and taste the finest dinners in all of London.

So, my love, I took your time machine and I have journeyed back to your beginning; to before you came here the second time. I am in your past – eight-hundred-thousand years ago.

I know you wanted to keep me near you, to protect me, like you protected me before. I am sorry but I could not stay any longer and watch you slowly die. Ever since the Morlocks took our children you have never been the same.

So, my dearest, I will find you on the streets of London and I’ll beg of you not to leave. We will live there. We will dance. We will eat.


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