A land of believers [Part 7]
“Now, you may ask me any question you wish” He said
Kino first asked what his name was, He replied with Hiroshi. Kino then told him her own name.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you wearing those clothes for?” She asked
“Ah, I knew you would say something like that, you see I am a priest, infact i work for the church we passed on the way here”
“Ah, that makes sense. Next could I ask why most of the buildings in this town look exactly the same?”
“Ah, well you see we believe in equality. Making all houses the same is a symbol of how one person isn’t better than another”
“Interesting, on my travels i’ve never seen anything like this. But don’t you get bored? I don’t mean to be rude. But there isn’t much to do around here”
“Well you see we are all content to have long and happy lives. If you look around closely there are some things to do. For example we have a library near the church. And you don’t have to pay to take the books”
“In that case I look forward to going there tomorrow”