Insanity is one of my greatest fears. Unfortunately your character didn’t frighten me as she did the others in the story. I actually felt a little sorry for her. ‘…spurred to walkabout…’, hadn’t heard that one before. []o)
Truthfully, I was attempting a vague sort of humor about a well-meant but horribly awkward intervention, but perhaps my funny bone needs further polishing before it rings clear! :)
You have some British in there. I’ve worked in the mental health field for a long time much less taking care of the mentally aging. You add one element here that speaks of who you might be: Someone who still feels that even the crazy deserve a certain level of respect. Your last line caused me to explode with laughter (it’s 3 a.m. and I’m floating in the pool, so a few lights came on) not because it was funny, but sometimes glaring truth can be REALLY funny. I think the group of people facing her are sweet and they love her very much, I’m happy she has them in her life; they’ll do all they can to accommodate her.