
Thoughts on Time Travel

Most people say if they could time travel they wouldn’t change anything about their lives because they like who they are now. I’m not a person of that disposition. Don’t get me wrong. I love me. I’m borderline “most awesome Scott who ever lived.” But I’m talking about Quantum Leaping your own life.

Often, I just say or do things to amuse myself. Other times, a girl is involved. Let’s not digress. Time travel would mean more girls.

Of course, I was referring to Scott Bakula.

If I time travel, will it be spiritual or physical? Will I run into other versions of myself? What if we have to share the same body? My greatest fear with time travel, of course, is the idea of being stuck in a body with other versions of myself. People would think I was a schizo.

At this point, it’s all speculation. I have no flux capacitor. Nor do I have a way to bend the space-time continuum. But, I do have an idea. And if it rings true, all my questions and speculations will finally be answered…

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