I don’t know if social networking has dulled my writing, imagination, and wordsmithing skilles but my first impulse was to put down five smiley faces. I will settle for five pencils and hope you will too. It is interesting to see how we are seen. Great work! King August, Lady Elshanor, and so on and so forth. I am proud to call Ficly home, and Ficlyteers family.
The pen may be mightier than the sword, my friends but none be as crafty as Sir Robert the Quick!
Monsieur JayDee the Musician, I will call you what you wish, but always think of you as Sir Jonathan of Durnford []o)
My Lady Ludmila the Duchess of Yevgenovicha, some may want to be of the court of King August II (the 2nd), others as yourself and Lady Elshanor of Hawk Manor, may wish to have their own courtiers. []o)