
Moment With Poseiden

The sun caresses face and back, free of restraint or judgment. Waves roll in, each unique and glorious in their insistence. Sand swirls in the undertow and under toe.

I am bounded by the water, held in its embrace. I sway with the motion, brace for the impact of each breaking wave. Some pass by as oceanic shrugs of indifferent acceptance. Others break farther out, petering to a gentle wash of foam. The good ones crash upon me, battering, shoving, jostling, and sending assassin tendrils of stinging salt up my flared nostrils.

Undaunted, I push slowly forward, out from the land, out from responsibility and quotidian reality. A laugh bubbles forth with each strike, an unintelligible giggle. Perhaps I appear foolish or mad, as I have before.

I know better.

Words fail me. Reason takes a holiday. My family members may be wondering about me at this point.

No matter.

Each time, with each burst of brine, I laugh and say to the sea, to the heavens, to the gods themselves, “Go ahead, hit me again.”

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