Rose Red Robes
As Angelica regurgitated the bones into the sewer, the sound of metal clogs echoed down from the mezzanine. The duncery lay at the other end of the Grand Hall on the upper floor and she was supposed to be attending to them. Those students were locked into impossibly large tin clogs so the staff always knew where they were at all times. Not because they had dangerous abilities, but due to a seasonal virus that caused them to perform great damage while soundly sleep walking.
As she wrapped herself in red robes, her position as Philips former personal aid would serve her well. She knew all the students names, accomplishments and abilities. But she recently discovered it was the quirkiness in some of the dunces that held the most promise. And the one approaching her now knew who really was behind the glint in the former Magister Philip’s eyes.
As he approached, she patted his head and, in Philips booming voice said “Good quirk Skree, go spread the word that you accidentally vaporized Angelica”.