
17 part two

youre a liar. a real good one. i thought you really loved me and i thought you really cared about me but it must not have been that much love because you got over it pretty quick. 3 weeks today. thats how long we have been broken up. i found out a week ago that you had a girlfriend but ten days or so before that you still loved me.. how long were you “talking” to her? cause you just dont hop into relationships, escpecially after being in one for awhile. i mean sure you claim you didnt feel the same way about me for awhile but i dont know. its dumb but if we still care about eachother so much then why cant we just be together. you dont have to be in love to be with that person. why did you get back together with me after the first time? oh let me take a guess, someone to hook up with? sex? yea i feel used. you can deny it but im still gonna feel that way. is she just your rebound girl? lke what? because you dont make it out to seem like you like her that much

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