If you’ve read any of my other stories, you’ll know this is a challenge I could hardly ignore. And look up ‘Dyson Sphere’ on Wikipedia if you don’t understand what’s going on here.
I would have liked to have introduced some actual characters into this, but with such a complex event and just 1024 big ones, there was only time to do the ‘Special Effects’… :-)
Kinda scary. They should have sent ship to other planets rather than wasting time on a Dyson sphere. I love the last line, make you understand how insignificant we are.
A seemingly minor detail on first glance, I like that you mention that it takes a month for the entire superstructure to collapse. That “titanic ponderousness” would indeed take quite the visionary to effectively show on film. And meanwhile, the entire population gets to enjoy a slow descent into a celestial gullet…
“The star burped” is a brilliant last line. Hilariously well done!
I love the implied moments of terror as the broken parts of the sphere twist and slam into each other. It’s like the end of Titanic where the ship falls onto the people in the water, though orders of magnitude more epic.
You do an excellent job of writing an epic story in 1024 characters!