
The Patience of The Saints

However, that was not the case…

In this case, it was more like a challenge to characterize the mundane daily moments in the far more grand scope of great historical events, which each of them, together, accounted for.

This is to say that before Monday’s earth-shattering historical developments of biblical proportions, and Wednesday’s magnificent spectacle of massive scale news, there are the idle, boring moments of Tuesday, when it once again seemed like nothing in the world ever happens, and like the excruciating moments of no remarkable revelation would just continue, forever, without arriving at any value or relevance in true history.

How shallow such moments seemed, how utterly devoid of meaning, and how inescapable they seemed, in each of their dragged out, dressed-down, excruciating milli-seconds.

While such momentary phenomena remained so prominent and convincing in their unremarkable appearances, each was an integral part of a greater whole, even the fantastic, which requires such quiet moments.

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