
Old Fashion

What ever happened to old fashion romance
A boy asks a girl out, Butterflies fluttering your stomach,
Kissing in the rain, holding hands, a simple moonlight dance
3rd grade notes are passed out, or when going steady meant something
When it was emotional not just physical.
When he knew something about you that was unimportant, like your favorite flower
And you knew his next move…
When cheating wasn’t as common as a common cold
And when a relationship was truly a relationship.
What ever happened to finding someone you like, and growing with them
Now, we use, drop , and move on to the next person
When Guys were the hunters and they live to beat the game
and once they beat the game instead of getting bored and going home.
They worked and built it to something that really liked
Now-a-days, no-one wants to fix the broken, just go out and buy/get something new
When it was more than just a kiss, and sex was special
Is it too much to ask for…
Will I ever have the old fashioned love?

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