Whoa, the second part of the first sentance came out of no where! Great attention grabber.
I just have so many questions running through my mind right now. This was a very interesting piece though. I like how this character is…a little odd, but normal at the same time. Does that make sense? Like hes the calm in his own storm.
Best line: “his American journey.” The choice of phrase makes the idea sound so personal, like Jack’s private “On the Road.”
About the last line: The wording makes it sound like his list getting shorter is a possibility, which doesn’t quite make sense to me. It’s a dramatic closer, but there’s no reason for “things he forgot” to ever get shorter. Even if he replaced things along the way, he still forgot them initially.
Overall, I like the sense of sudden decision (spontaneous combustion, if you will) tinged with regret.
It does feel sort of like a lunatic’s Kerouac. Not sayin’ it’s a bad thing.
I looove “charred peanut butter and bread rendered ash.” The specific mention of a moleskine notebook makes me think that the character is less disengaged from what he burned, as it were, than he’d like to pretend. Is that deliberate?