Wonderfully done little story, though I would have found some sanitizer to use before I put those decomposing teenager headphones to my ears.
as to the flow of the story, I stumpled slightly on the line “I shone the light on my rifle around the room.” Just a little clunky use of the prepositional phrase…and maybe try for an active rather than passive sentence? Let the light on the rifle do it rather than you.
Also, reversing the two sentences “They had just stopped. One day, everyone just stopped.” , to "One day, everyone stopped. They had just stopped. " and removing one of the "just"s would give it more impact.
Thank you very much :) I appreciate your comments, and get what you mean about the sentence with the rifle. I may change these lines in the story when I have more time, but I hope you dont take offence if I decide not to. However I will remember these tips when I write in future and shall use them in my stories. :)