
John Holland's Mantra

The crowd, trained to merge right, parted as the siren backed up to his office’s front entrance.

The van’s doors slammed opened so fast, it seemed the gurney itself busted out. Wheeling over cans of Spam and scattered files, Igor and Vlad pushed aside Anna and Vana and quickly attached a head and neck splint to Lana. They were to get her wrapped and in the ambulance A.S.A.P, FIRM.

“She’ll be fine” John whispered. “Anna, the computers! And Vana, get everything out of the safe, move!”

Lana quoted John’s mantra as she slid the toilet aside uncovering the safe; “If you love it, you die for it”. Lana yanked up the 30’ chain with their new identities attached and slid the toilet back into place, and raced to their getaway van.

In the meantime, Anna had grabbed an awl and hammer, and quickly found the sweet spots on the laptop’s housing and quickly disabled them and joined her two sisters in the van.

“All’s well that ends well”, John said as he looked lovingly around his office, lighting a match and fuse.

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