I like this character, she could be good or evil, magical or some kind of authority.
It seems you wrote this in a rush, It has great bones, just needs some rearranging.
Suggestions; Change scattering to scattered.
Re-work: across the land. Plumping her petticoats with her pale, bruised fingers…and think about your opening being your closing….she settled in for the long haul.
This is a great scene, right now it’s a puzzle with some pieces in the wrong sequence and cuts off at its end, but it’s still an exciting piece.
Send me a note if you make any changes, I would be interested is seeing what they are.
Thank you, it WAS written in kind of a hurry – it was one of those things that pops into your head from nowhere and you have to jot down otherwise you’ll lose it.
Did you remove one of your ideas? I remember something about her being in a carriage? Wow, if not, it’s what you allowed my mind to create, I like the mystery and vagueness of this piece. I want to know more about her……