Love the table description, though I don’t think it warrants parenthesis. I think it should be set apart in commas and added to your sentence. If I want to be grammar nazi, I’d say to put a comma where you would pause naturally in the first paragraph, but I dont’ feel like being a grammar nazi, I feel like congratulating you and welcoming you to the lineup! Bravo!
I tend to use parenthasis too often lol. And commas. I will leave it as is so if anyone else reads it they wont think ur crazy when wat u pointed out is no longer there. Ty for the helpful hints mien fhuer. Lol jk :)
I like that this one is sort of a speech… I, however, unlike Elsha, always want to be a grammar nazi :P No comma between accomplished and legends in the first paragraph, third paragraph, two punctuation marks? And then, thee means you. So it should be, you may dub me. Or myself. Wish doesn’t need a capital W, and thru should be through, you have enough characters!
Whew. Sorry, that’s a lot. And not a judgement, I loved you entry, just the grammar freak in me coming out. Good luck! :)
Yeah the brackets are confusing, and the last line completely threw me off (I still have no idea what it says.) (PS I’m allowed to use parentheses here because it’s not prose :P)
I love the simplicity though. “I am Paul. This is me… Ta-da?”
I leave my usual grammar OCD to my darling someday.
Paul the V, thank you ever so much for joining us in the Tournament as well as in our illustrious Ficlyland! I welcome thee, good sir. Bold you are, being that you are new here and willing to challenge longtime Ficleteers. I admire that.
Note Here in the land of Ficly: as readers read the comments of correction they expect to see, not the original writing but the corrected one. (We’re here to help each other be the best we can be) The author might simply make the changes and thank the commenter for the corrections, by commenting so. (Everyone understands)