I think you gave me a three because you didn’t understand it. If you’re a true nerd at heart, HAL is the name of the computer in 2001, A Space Odyssey. He killed off all the crew members but one. And the song he sings just before he “dies” is the first song ever sung by a computer, just replace Phoebe with Daisy. And Hal, the famous movie star, was only a red light with a soothing yet monotone voice.
But if you’re familiar with the movie, then, oh well. And if the name is one of your major qualifiers, it can be changed, So I’ll change it to tie in with the story.
ah, I see! Clearly, I need to brush up on my movies. Well, then, this was excellent. Psycho-nerd, definitely works. It’s still borderline creepy, but I think the tone and voice of this piece really work. Great work!